Flame detection

Flame detection is a crucial aspect of fire safety systems in various industries where the presence of flames needs to be detected promptly. Flame detectors are designed to identify and respond to the presence of flames by sensing the infrared (IR), ultraviolet (UV), or both spectrums of light emitted by a fire.


  • Melt Blown Cartridge Filters
  • String Wound Cartridge Filters
  • Pleated Cartridge Filters
  • Resin Bonded Cartridge Filters (gRBC)
  • Metallic Sintered Cartridge Filters
  • Clarycarb Activated Carbon Blocks
  • Washable Net Cartridge Filters
  • Radial Cartridges(UHMWPE)
  • Self Cleaning Filter
  • Sediment Filter Cartridges
  • Water Treatment cartridges
  • Caryflow Big Buddy


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